Lets Go Diving


Jeff Bunker - Course Director

Jeff Bunker - Course Director

Jeff Bunker , Is a PADI Platnium Course Director in his second Decade as part or Ocean Enterprises professional dive team

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Seth Tufvesson - Course Director

Seth Tufvesson - Course Director

PADI Course Director
Freediving Instructor
EFR Instructor Trainer
DAN Instructor
HSA Instructor

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Emily Strand - IDC Staff Instructor

Emily Strand - IDC Staff Instructor

Whether it’s diving, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, or just staring at the ocean – it is impossible to get Emily away from the water.

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Sheen Fischer - IDC Staff Instructor

Sheen Fischer - IDC Staff Instructor

Sheen is a Southern boy, turned Marine, turned businessman whose passion for traveling and all things outdoor and water related led him to loving and teaching SCUBA.

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Guy Boccia - IDC Staff Instructor

Guy Boccia - IDC Staff Instructor

Growing up I loved watching the old Jacque Cousteau films of the underwater world.

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Eddie Roa - IDC Staff Instructor

Eddie Roa - IDC Staff Instructor

Eddie joined Ocean Enterprises Dive Team in 2019 and currently teaches all levels of SCUBA certifications 

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Kym Larsen - IDC Staff Instructor

Kym Larsen - IDC Staff Instructor

Kym Larsen is a Padi IDC Staff and HSA Instructor.  Certified at Ocean Enterprises in 2006 she fell in love with the ocean and joined the instructional team in 2008.  

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Jaime Felix - IDC Staff Instructor

Jaime Felix - IDC Staff Instructor

Jaime Felix is an MSDT and has been diving since 1979

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Hubert Pilloud - Master Instructor

Hubert Pilloud - Master Instructor

Hubert is a native of Switzerland (French part). He was scuba certified in 1996 in Maldivian Islands. 

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Ed Lavin - Master Instructor

Ed Lavin - Master Instructor

Ed began as a Divemaster at Ocean Enterprises before becoming an Instructor here in 1999.

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Curt Thompson - Master Instructor

Curt Thompson - Master Instructor

Curt Thompson, Ph.D. - Master Instructor / TecRec Deep Instructor 


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Matt Willbur - MSDT

Matt Willbur - MSDT

Matt Wilbur learned to dive in the Seychelles in 2009 and is now an avid southern california diver

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Jake Roth - Instructor

Jake Roth - Instructor

Jake has been diving since 2012 and has been a Divemaster since 2020

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Andrew Kerner - Instructor

Andrew Kerner - Instructor

Open Water Scuba Instructor

Victor Yuen - Instructor

Victor Yuen - Instructor

Victor has been certified as a scuba diver since 2010 and is now a professional diver by trade.

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Andy Hamelynck - Instructor

Andy Hamelynck - Instructor

Andy joined OE as a Divemaster in 2022

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Katherine Mauser - Instructor

Katherine Mauser - Instructor

Katherine Mauser (aka Kate, Katy and Katie - all okay!) is a Southern Califonian native who lives in Carlsbad and most frequently dives at La Jolla Shores.

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Matt Cerezo - Assistant Instructor

Matt Cerezo - Assistant Instructor

Matt joined the OE team as a Divemaster in 2009 and has been fortunate to dive with many skilled and talented instructors, as well as help develop students while they pursue their diving adventures. 

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Joe Mellody - Assistant Instructor

Joe Mellody - Assistant Instructor

Joe has been a member of the OE instructional staff since 2004 and has had over 600 dives since being certified in 2001.

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Tim Oelgoetz - Assistant Instructor

Tim Oelgoetz - Assistant Instructor

Tim joined the OE team as a Divemaster in 2014

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Hayden Diede - Divemaster

Hayden Diede - Divemaster

Hayden is an easy-going adrenaline seeker who has been a certified diver since 2013 and considers Scuba Diving his meditation time. Hayden also loves competing in triathlons, backpacking, white water rafting, and setting floats for our instructors. 

Ray Grant - Divemaster

Ray Grant - Divemaster

Ray Grant is a Self Employed Native San Diegan.  After becoming Open Water certified in October of 2021. He fell in love with diving

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Devin Houser - Divemaster

Devin Houser - Divemaster

Devin Houser, a new divemaster with a profound passion for the underwater world

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